1. To promote a better understanding between the various Life Saving and Rescue Units, and the Public of Tennessee.
2. Increased efficiency through education and personal contact; through holding conventions and contests; (and Seminars); and through publications dealing with subjects of interest to all units in the State.
3. To establish Life Saving and First Aid work in the State of Tennessee on a basis comparable with that of other organizations whose work is statewide in character.
4. To foster a program of accident prevention throughout the State of Tennessee.
5. To give units in the State exact information pertaining to equipment and manpower which would be available to any unit in the event of a Catastrophe beyond the power of a single Unit to satisfactory handle.
6. To cooperate in, foster, and conduct research designed to advance the science and art of Rescue and First Aid work, and to encourage the standardization of practice and equipment, when such standardization is found practicable.
7. To develop and maintain a code of high ethical standards among Rescue and First Aid Personnel.
8. To bring together in a common Association all Organizations and Individuals in the State of Tennessee interested in the aforementioned objectives.
9. To establish a Rescue College to foster and teach advanced Rescue techniques across the State of Tennessee.
All activities of T.A.R.S. are designed and carried out to accomplish and forward the aforementioned objectives.